
The simplest way to install icepyx is using pip.

pip install icepyx

Windows users will need to first install Fiona, please look at the instructions there. Windows users may consider installing Fiona using pipwin

pip install pipwin
pipwin install Fiona

Currently, updated packages are not automatically generated with each build. This means it is possible that pip will not install the latest release of icepyx. In this case, icepyx is also available for use via the GitHub repository. The contents of the repository can be download as a zipped file or cloned.

To use icepyx this way, fork this repo to your own account, then git clone the repo onto your system. To clone the repository:

git clone

Provided the location of the repo is part of your $PYTHONPATH, you should simply be able to add import icepyx to your Python document. Alternatively, in a command line or terminal, navigate to the folder in your cloned repository containing and run

pip install -e

Future developments of icepyx may include conda as another simplified installation option.