
property Query.spatial_extent

Return an array showing the spatial extent of the query object. Spatial extent is returned as an input type (which depends on how you initially entered your spatial data) followed by the geometry data. Bounding box data is [lower-left-longitude, lower-left-latitute, upper-right-longitude, upper-right-latitude]. Polygon data is [[array of longitudes],[array of corresponding latitudes]].


>>> reg_a = icepyx.query.Query('ATL06',[-55, 68, -48, 71],['2019-02-20','2019-02-28'])
>>> reg_a.spatial_extent
['bounding box', [-55, 68, -48, 71]]
>>> reg_a = icepyx.query.Query('ATL06',[(-55, 68), (-55, 71), (-48, 71), (-48, 68), (-55, 68)],['2019-02-20','2019-02-28'])
>>> reg_a.spatial_extent
['polygon', [-55.0, 68.0, -55.0, 71.0, -48.0, 71.0, -48.0, 68.0, -55.0, 68.0]]