What’s new in v0.2-alpha (6 May 2020)

These are the changes in pandas v0.2-alpha See icepyx ChangeLog for a full changelog including other versions of icepyx.

New Features

  • Ongoing work to refactor the icesat2data class into a more pythonic, modular structure

    • Create Earthdata login class object and call as an attribute of an icesat2data object

    • Move API (NSIDC and CMR) formatting functions to a separate module, APIformatting

    • Create ICESat-2 reference function module, is2ref

    • Create Granules class to get/order/download granules and call as an attribute of the icesat2data object

    • Create Variables class to interface with ICESat-2 nested variables

    • Create Parameters class for managing API inputs within APIformatting module

  • allow installation with pip and git

Bug fixes

  • Polygon handling will now put polygon coordinates into the correct order for submitting to CMR API


  • icesat2data class was refactored - access to some functionality changed


  • Update examples to work with refactored code

  • Update and expand tests for refactored code


  • Generate and include a UML diagram

  • Update documentation to reflect refactored code

    • Separate into icesat2data API and component classes


A total of 3 people contributed to this release. People with a “+” by their names contributed for the first time.

  • Jessica Scheick

  • Scott Henderson +

  • Zheng Liu