How to Contribute
On this page we provide brief instructions for contributing to icepyx. We encourage users to follow the git pull request workflow. For contribution examples, please see contribution guidelines.
Contributing for the first time
If you don’t have one, sign up for a GitHub account (visit and ‘sign up for GitHub account’).
Clone the icepyx repo: Open a terminal window. Navigate to the folder on your computer where you want to store icepyx. For example,
cd /Users/YOURNAMEHERE/documents/ICESat-2
Within this folder, clone the icepyx repo by executing
git clone
You should receive confirmation in terminal of the files downloading into your workspace.
For help navigating git
and GitHub, see this guide.
GitHub also provides great how-to materials for navigating and contributing.
Every time you contribute
If you do not have write permissions on this repository, start with creating a fork by clicking the Fork button in GitHub. All actions from here on should be performed in your fork.
To add new content, you need to create a new branch. You can do this on GitHub by clicking the down arrow next to ‘development’ and making a new branch (you can give it whatever name you want - the naming doesn’t matter much as it will only be a temporary branch).
Navigate to the new branch you created. Make any edits or additions on this branch (this can be done locally with
or on GitHub directly). After you do this, commit your changes and add a descriptive commit message.Push your new commits to GitHub if you were working locally. Then, open a pull request to merge your branch into the
branch. Members of the icepyx community will review your changes and may ask you to make some more.If this is your first PR, someone on the icepyx team should add you to the contributors list. icepyx follows the all-contributors specification using the contributors bot to add new contributors. You are also welcome to add yourself by adding a comment with the text:
@all-contributors add @[GitHub_handle] for a, b, and c
where a, b, etc. is a list of the appropriate contribution emojis. The bot will open a separate PR to add the contributor or new contribution types!
Repeat these steps, creating a new branch and ultimately a pull request for each change.
More, smaller pull requests are easier to debug and merge than fewer large ones, so please create pull requests regularly!
Steps for working with icepyx locally
Each time you begin working on icepyx (and especially each time you are about to create a new branch), update your local copy of icepyx with
git pull
to ensure you have the most up to date version of icepyx in your library.
If you are modifying portions of code, you will need to run
pip install -e.
within your Python environment to use your real-time edited version of the code during runtime.
Setting up a Development Work Environment
icepyx uses a few tools to ensure that files have consistent formatting and run tests. You can easily install the ones most frequently used by creating a new mamba (or conda) environment (from the home level of your local copy of the icepyx repo) with
mamba env create --name icepyx-env --channel conda-forge -f requirements-dev.txt -f requirements.txt
and then (1) running pre-commit install
to let git know about pre-commit and
(2) pip installing icepyx as described above and below.
One of the tools installed with “requirements-dev.txt” is called pre-commit. We have included a set of pre-commit formatting hooks that we strongly encourage all contributors to use. These hooks will check the files you are committing for format consistency, reformatting the files if necessary. You can tell files were reformatted if you get a message showing one of the checks failed. In this case, you will need to re-commit your changes until all pre-commit hooks pass (i.e. a failed pre-commit check results in no git commit). Pre-commit will also run on icepyx PRs using the pre-commit CI (continuous integration). As with other automations happening in PRs, you’ll want to make sure you pull the changes back to your local version before making new commits.
Considerations with Jupyter Notebook
If you are working in Jupyter Notebook, in addition to manually installing your working version in your Python environment with
pip install -e.
you will need to dynamically reload icepyx within your notebook by executing
%load_ext autoreload
import icepyx as ipx
%autoreload 2
in a notebook cell. This allows the Jupyter Notebook to detect and use changes you’ve made to the underlying code.