QUEST Supported Datasets
On this page, we outline the datasets that are supported by the QUEST module. Click on the links for each dataset to view information about the API and sensor/data platform used.
List of Datasets
The Argo mission involves a series of floats that are designed to capture vertical ocean profiles of temperature, salinity, and pressure down to ~2000 m. Some floats are in support of BGC-Argo, which also includes data relevant for biogeochemical applications: oxygen, nitrate, chlorophyll, backscatter, and solar irradiance.
For interested readers, a preprint outlining the QUEST module and its application to Argo data access is available here.
QUEST uses the Argovis API to access Argo data, so users are encouraged to use the following citation:
Tucker, T., D. Giglio, M. Scanderbeg, and S.S.P. Shen, 2020. Argovis: A Web Applications for Fast Delivery, Visualization, and Analysis of Argo data. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 37, 401-416,
Citations for individual Argo datasets may be found at this link:
Adding a Dataset to QUEST
Want to add a new dataset to QUEST? No problem! QUEST includes a template script (
) that may be used to create your own querying module for a dataset of interest.
Once you have developed a script with the template, you may request for the module to be added to QUEST via GitHub. Please see the How to Contribute page How to Contribute for instructions on how to contribute to icepyx.
Detailed guidelines on how to construct your dataset module are currently a work in progress.