Contact Us
Need help installing, running, or using icepyx? Ask for help on Discourse or GitHub Discussions.
Found a bug? Post an issue on GitHub!
Want to request or contribute a feature? Share your idea on GitHub Discussions.
Have a question or want to know more? Join us for a virtual meeting (see below).
Want to get involved? Do one or more of the above, or reach out to one of the dev team members individually. We’re excited to hear your thoughts and provide help!
Absolutely NO software development is necessary to join and contribute to our community. We look forward to meeting you!
Virtual Meetings
Our team (developers, users, scientists, educators) consists primarily of volunteers. We meet on an as-needed basis via Zoom to provide support, troubleshoot issues, and plan development and collaboration efforts.
Our meetings are open to all, with upcoming meeting information available via Discourse, GitHub Discussions, or by request. The QUEST (Query Unify Explore SpatioTemporal) team meets weekly on Mondays to co-work on integrating additional sensors into the icepyx workflow. Please contact us if you are interested in joining the QUEST team.
Ongoing Efforts
In addition to the ongoing development of icepyx itself, the ICESat-2 community continues to grow through a number of related initiatives, workshops, and events: