icepyx Internals


Authentication in icepyx is handled using a Mixin class. A Mixin class is a class which defines functionality that may be desired by multiple other classes within a library. For example, at this time the Query, Variables, and Read classes need to be able to authenticate. Instead of defining the same properties and functionality twice, icepyx has an EarthdataAuthMixin class that is inherited by any modules that need an Earthdata login.

Property Access

Even though they aren’t explicitly defined in the init method, properties like .session are accessible on a Query object because they are inherited. The code that indicates this to Python is EarthdataAuthMixin.__init__(self).

For example:

import icepyx as ipx

region_a = ipx.Query('ATL06',[-45, 74, -44,75],['2019-11-30','2019-11-30'], \
                           start_time='00:00:00', end_time='23:59:59')

# authentication can be accessed via the Query object

Adding authentication to a new class

To add authentication to an additional icepyx class, one needs to add the Mixin to the class. To do this:

  1. Add the EarthdataAuthMixin class to the class constructor (and import the mixin)

  2. Add the EarthdataAuthMixin init method within the init method of the new class EarthdataAuthMixin.__init__(self)

  3. Access the properties using the public properties (Ex. self.session, not self._session.)

A minimal example of the new class (saved in icepyx/core/ would be:

from icepyx.core.auth import EarthdataAuthMixin

class MyNewClass(EarthdataAuthMixin):
    def __init__(self):
        self.mynewclassproperty = True


    def my_exciting_new_method(self):
        # This method requires login
        s = self.session
        return 'We authenticated inside the method!'

The class would then be accessible with:

from icepyx.core.newclass import MyNewClass

n = MyNewClass()
