What’s new in v0.3.2 (1 December 2020)

This is a summary of the changes in icepyx v0.3.2. See icepyx ChangeLog for a full changelog including other versions of icepyx. Note that during this time period we transitioned to master + development branches, with mandatory squash commits to the development branch from working branches in order to simplify the git history.

New Features

  • tracking tools set up

  • bibliography of icepyx uses

Bug fixes

  • resolve normal projection KeyError that resulted from a DAAC change to capabilities.xml

  • allow and validate numpy inputs for query objects


  • None


  • update Travis trigger to test PRs submitted from forks


  • section on tracking and usage statistics

  • add current path to pip install -e instructions


A total of 7 people contributed to this release. People with a “+” by their names contributed for the first time.

  • Amy Steiker +

  • Anthony Arendt +

  • Facundo Sapienza +

  • Jessica Scheick

  • Kelsey Bisson +

  • Tian Li +

  • alexdibella +