
class icepyx.Variables(vartype=None, path=None, product=None, version=None, avail=None, wanted=None, auth=None)

Get, create, interact, and manipulate lists of variables and variable paths contained in ICESat-2 products.


This argument is deprecated. The vartype will be inferred from data_source. One of [‘order’, ‘file’] to indicate the source of the input variables. This field will be auto-populated when a variable object is created as an attribute of a query object.

pathstring, default None

The path to a local Icesat-2 file. The variables list will contain the variables present in this file. Either path or product are required input arguments.

productstring, default None

Properly formatted string specifying a valid ICESat-2 product. The variables list will contain all available variables for this product. Either product or path are required input arguments.

versionstring, default None

Properly formatted string specifying a valid version of the ICESat-2 product.

availdictionary, default None

Dictionary (key:values) of available variable names (keys) and paths (values).

wanteddictionary, default None

As avail, but for the desired list of variables

authearthaccess.auth.Auth, default None

An earthaccess authentication object. Available as an argument so an existing earthaccess.auth.Auth object can be used for authentication. If not given, a new auth object will be created whenever authentication is needed.

__init__(vartype=None, path=None, product=None, version=None, avail=None, wanted=None, auth=None)


__init__([vartype, path, product, version, ...])

append([defaults, var_list, beam_list, ...])

Add to the list of desired variables using user specified beams and variable list.

avail([options, internal])

Get the list of available variables and variable paths from the input data product

earthdata_login([uid, email, s3token])

Authenticate with NASA Earthdata to enable data ordering and download.

parse_var_list(varlist[, tiered, tiered_vars])

Parse a list of path strings into tiered lists and names of variables

remove([all, var_list, beam_list, keyword_list])

Remove the variables and paths from the wanted list using user specified beam, keyword,



Authentication object returned from earthaccess.login() which stores user authentication.




A dictionary which stores login credentials for AWS s3 access.


Earthaccess session object for connecting to Earthdata resources.
